[Script] Restore de bancos MSSQL usando HTA Application

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[Script] Restore de bancos MSSQL usando HTA Application

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Este script é um simples utilitário que permite aos usuários restaurar bancos de dados SQL Server. É mais fácil de usar para não-DBAs e fornece um método de restore dos bancos de dados quando as ferramentas de gerenciamento não estão instaladas. É uma boa demonstração de um aplicativo HTA, mas não é a intenção de ser um substituto para o SQL Server Management Studio. Você só pode usar este utilitário para cenários de restauração simples. Segue código fonte:

Código: Selecionar todos

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
	BODY {font-family: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
	table {font-family: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";

	#RestoreCompleted {

	#RestoreInProgress {

	#RestoreError {
	#Footer {


<script language="vbscript" OnLoad="Main()">
	option explicit
	Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
	Const adVarChar = 200
	Const adParamInput = 1 
	Const intAppWidth = 600
	Const intAppHeight = 280 ' 255

	' Set app size and centre screen on load
	Sub Window_Onload()
		Dim objWMIService,objItem,intHorizontal,intVertical
		Dim intLeft, intTop
       	 	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
       		For Each objItem in objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_DesktopMonitor")
            		intHorizontal = objItem.ScreenWidth
            		intVertical = objItem.ScreenHeight
        	If IsNull(intHorizontal) = False And IsNull(intVertical) = False Then
        	        intLeft = (intHorizontal - intAppWidth) / 2
		        	intTop = (intVertical - intAppHeight) / 2
		       	 	window.moveTo intLeft, intTop
       	 	End If
       	 	window.resizeTo intAppWidth,intAppHeight

	End Sub
	' Populate list box with local SQL Server instances
	Sub LoadSQLServerInstances()
		Dim strComputer,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
		Dim oReg,arrValues, d
		strComputer = "."

		Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _ 
		    strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
		strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\"
		strValueName = "InstalledInstances"
		oReg.GetMultiStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath, _
		If ISArray(arrValues) = false then
			msgbox "No local SQL Server instances found",vbCritical
		end If	
		set d = createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")
		For Each strValue In arrValues
			Dim objOption
		    Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION")
			if strValue = "LOCAL" OR strValue="MSSQLSERVER" then
				strValue = "(local)"
				strValue = ".\" & strValue
			end if
			objOption.Text = strValue
			objOption.Value = strValue
			if d.Exists(strValue) = false then
				if selInstances.Contains(objOption) = false then
				end if
				d.Add strValue,strValue
			end if
	End Sub
	' Prompt user to select backup file
	Sub SelectBackupFile()
		Dim oDLG
		Set oDLG=CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog") 
		With oDLG
			.Filter="Backup Files|*.bak|All files|*.*"
			.Flags=.Flags Or &H1000	'FileMustExist (OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST)
			If .FileName<>"" Then
				txtFileName.Value =.FileName
			End If
		End With
		Set oDLG=Nothing
	End Sub
	' Prompt user for location of database restore
	Sub SelectRestoreFolder()
		Const MY_COMPUTER = &H11&
		Const OPTIONS = 0
		Dim objShell,objFolder,objFolderItem,strPath

		Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(MY_COMPUTER)
		Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
		strPath = objFolderItem.Path

		Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder _
				(WINDOW_HANDLE, "Select a folder:", OPTIONS, strPath) 
		If not objFolder Is Nothing Then
			Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
			txtRestoreFolder.Value = objFolderItem.Path
		End If

	End Sub
	' Show/Hide username/password textbox depending on integrated security option
	Sub ShowAuth()
		if chkIntegrated.Checked = true then
			trUserName.Style.Display = "none"
			trPassword.Style.Display = "none"
			window.resizeTo intAppWidth,intAppHeight
			trUserName.Style.Display = "block"
			trPassword.Style.Display = "block"
			window.resizeTo intAppWidth,intAppHeight + 50
		end if
	End Sub
	' Generate connection string for the local database
	Private Function GetConnectionString
		Dim strInstance,strUserName,strPassword
		strInstance = selInstances.Value
		strUserName = txtUserName.Value
		strPassword = txtPassword.Value
		if chkIntegrated.Checked = true then
			GetConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=" & strInstance & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"
			GetConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=" & strInstance & ";UID=" & strUserName & ";PWD=" & strPassword
		end if
	End Function

	' Check if the specified database name already exists
	Function DatabaseExists(byval dbName)
		Dim strSQL,objCn,objCmd,strCn, objRs,pName
		strCn = GetConnectionString()
		strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysdatabases where name = ?"
		set objCn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
		set objCmd = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Command")
		set pName = objCmd.CreateParameter("@name",advarchar,adParamInput,128,dbname)

		objCmd.Parameters.Append pName
		objCn.Open strCn
		objCmd.ActiveConnection = objCn
		objCmd.CommandText = strSQL
		set objRs = objCmd.Execute
		if objRs(0) = 0 then
			DatabaseExists = false
			DatabaseExists = true
		end if
	end function
	' Perform validations before the restore
	Private Function Validate()
		dim objFSO, strCn, objCn,dbName
		set objFSO=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		' Check backup file exists
		if NOT objFSO.FileExists(txtFileName.Value) then
			RestoreError.InnerHTML = "File specified does not exist"
			Validate = false
			exit function
		end if
		' Check restore folder exists
		if not objFSO.FolderExists(txtRestoreFolder.Value) then
			RestoreError.InnerHTML = "Folder specified does not exist"
			Validate = false
			exit function
		end if
		on error resume next
		' Check connection to database
		strCn = GetConnectionString
		set objCn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
		objCn.Open strCn
		if err.number <> 0 then
			RestoreError.InnerHTML= "Connection error:" & err.number
			Validate = false
			exit function
		end if
		' Get database name from backup file.
		' Just a quick check that backup file is readable
		if err.number <> 0 then
			RestoreError.InnerHTML = "Error:" & err.number & " - " & err.description
			Validate = false
			exit function
		end if
		on error goto 0
		' Get database name. 
		dbName = GetDatabaseName()
		' Check if database with same name already exists
		if DatabaseExists(dbName) then
			RestoreError.InnerHTML = "Error: Database '" & dbname & "' already exists"
			Validate = false
			exit function	
		end if
		Validate = True
	End Function
	' Return database name for restore (either from backup file or user specified name)
	Private Function GetDatabaseName
		if chkDBNameDefault.Checked = True then
			GetDatabaseName = GetDatabaseNameFromBackupFile()
			GetDatabaseName = txtDBName.Value
		end if
	End Function

	' Retreive database name from backup file
	Private Function GetDatabaseNameFromBackupFile
		Dim strSQL,objCn,objCmd,strCn, objRs,pRestoreFile
		strCn = GetConnectionString()
		set objCn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
		set objCmd = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Command")
		set pRestoreFile = objCmd.CreateParameter("@RestoreFile",advarchar,adParamInput,255,txtFileName.Value)

		objCmd.Parameters.Append pRestoreFile
		objCn.Open strCn
		objCmd.ActiveConnection = objCn
		objCmd.CommandText = strSQL
		set objRs = objCmd.Execute
		GetDatabaseNameFromBackupFile = objRs("DatabaseName")
	end function

	' Similar to SQL Server QUOTENAME function
	' Wraps quotes around string and performs escapes
	Private Function QuoteName(byval Value, quoteChar)
		if quotechar = "[" or quotechar = "]" then
			QuoteName = "[" & REPLACE(Value,"]","]]") & "]"
		elseif quoteChar = "'" then
			QuoteName = "'" & REPLACE(Value,"'","''") & "'"
			QuoteName = ""
		end if
	End Function
	' Function to get the SQL statement used to perform the DB restore
	Private Function GetRestoreSQL
		Dim strSQL,objCn,objCmd,strCn, objRs,pRestoreFile
		Dim dbName
		dbName = GetDatabaseName()
		strCn = GetConnectionString()
		set objCn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
		set objCmd = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Command")
		set pRestoreFile = objCmd.CreateParameter("@RestoreFile",advarchar,adParamInput,255,txtFileName.Value)

		objCmd.Parameters.Append pRestoreFile
		objCn.Open strCn
		objCmd.ActiveConnection = objCn
		objCmd.CommandText = strSQL
		on error resume next
		set objRs = objCmd.Execute
		if err.number <> 0 then
			msgbox(err.description & err.number)
			exit function
		end if
		Dim strFolder
		strFolder = txtRestoreFolder.Value
		if not RIGHT(strFolder,1) = "\" then
			strFolder = strFolder & "\"
		end if
		Dim strRestore,strPath
		while objRs.EOF <> True AND objRs.BOF <> True
			strPath = strFolder + dbname & "_" & objRs("LogicalName")
			if objRs("Type") = "L" then 'LOG
				strPath = strPath & ".ldf"
			elseif objRs("Type") = "S" then 'FILESTREAM
				' Folder don't add extension
			else 'DATA
				if objRs("FileID") = "1" then 'Primary File
					strPath = strPath & ".mdf"
					strPath = strPath & ".ndf"
				end if
			end if
			if LEN(strRestore)> 0 then
				strRestore = strRestore & ", " 
			end if
			strRestore = strRestore & "MOVE N" & QuoteName(objRs("LogicalName"),"'") & " TO " & QuoteName(strPath,"'")
		strRestore = "RESTORE DATABASE " & QuoteName(dbName,"]") & " FROM DISK=N" & QuoteName(txtFileName.Value,"'") & " WITH FILE=1," & strRestore
		GetRestoreSQL = strRestore
	End Function
	' Perform database restore
	Sub RestoreDatabase()
		Dim strSQL,strCn, objCn, objCmd

		' Clear any existing error/completed notifications
		RestoreError.InnerHTML = ""
		RestoreCompleted.Style.Display = "none"

		' Perform validation checks prior to restore
		if Validate() = false then
			exit sub
		end if
		' Set restore notification
		RestoreInProgress.Style.Display = "block"

		' Get SQL for Restore
		strSQL = GetRestoreSQL()
		strCn = GetConnectionString()
		set objCn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
		set objCmd = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Command")
		objCn.Open strCn
		objCmd.ActiveConnection = objCn
		objCmd.CommandText = strSQL
		objCmd.CommandTimeout = 0
		on error resume next
		if err.number <> 0 then
			RestoreError.InnerHTML = "Error: " & err.Number & " - " & err.description
			RestoreCompleted.Style.Display = "block"
		end if

		RestoreInProgress.Style.Display = "none"
	End Sub

	' Causes a refresh
	Sub UpdateScreen() 
		' this is used to allow screen updates 
		dim CMD, WSHShell 
		Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
		CMD = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%comspec%") 
		WSHShell.run CMD + " /c ", 0, true 
		Set WSHShell = Nothing 
	End Sub 

	' Enables/Disables database name textbox 
	Sub DefaultOptionChanged()
		if chkDBNameDefault.Checked = True then
			txtDBName.Disabled = "Disabled"
			txtDBName.style.backgroundcolor = "#dfe0e5"
			txtDBName.Disabled = ""
			txtDBName.style.backgroundcolor = "#ffffff"
		end if
	End Sub
	APPLICATIONNAME="Restore Database Utility" ID="RestoreDBHTA" INNERBORDER="no" >
<body leftmargin=30 topmargin=20 rightmargin=30>
<td>Backup File:</td><td><input id="txtFileName" style="width=300px;" type="Text" Value=""/><input type="submit" value="Open" OnClick="SelectBackupFile()" /></td>
<td>Restore Folder:</td><td><input id="txtRestoreFolder" style="width=300px;" type="Text" Value="" /><input type="submit" value="Open" OnClick="SelectRestoreFolder()" /></td>
<td>SQL Server Instance:</td>
<select name="selInstances">
<input id="chkIntegrated" type="checkbox" checked="true" OnClick="ShowAuth()">Integrated Security</input>
<tr id="trUserName" style="display:none">
<td>UserName:</td><td><input id="txtUserName" style="width=200px;" type="Text" /></td>
<tr id="trPassword" style="display:none">
<td>Password</td><td><input id="txtPassword" style="width=200px;" type="password" /></td>
<td>Database Name:</td><td><input id="txtDBName" style="width=200px;background-color:#dfe0e5" disabled="disabled" type="Text" /><input id="chkDBNameDefault" type="checkbox" checked="true" OnClick="DefaultOptionChanged">Use Default</input></td>
<input type="submit" value="Restore Database" OnClick="RestoreDatabase()" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Close" OnClick="Close()" />
<span id="RestoreInProgress" style="display:none">Database is been restored - this might take a while depending on the size of the database. Please wait...</span>
<span id="RestoreCompleted" style="display:none">Restore Completed.</span>
<span id="RestoreError"></span>
<div id="Footer">
  <div style="float:left;">Version 1.0</div>
  <div style="float:right;">By David Wiseman<br />

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